By Jon Metzgar

As my journey to India approaches, thoughts of excitement and fear are appearing my head. As I have never been in a developing country before, I really don’t know what to expect and I still don’t know what I am getting myself into. The reason why I am nervous is because I have never even thought of going to this part of the world before, and like I said, really don’t know what to expect.

My excitements include helping out the kids and coaches, visiting places I have never been before, learning new things about teh world, and maybe, just maybe  trying some new Indian foods. I am still nervous to do these things but I know that I need to do them in order to grow as a person and become more well-rounded and aware.

Court at St. Patrick's School

Court at St. Patrick’s School – Chennai

My fears include the dirtiness of where we will be, the diseases swarming the country, the dirtiness of the water and some foods, the crazy heat and humidity that comes with it, and the fact that, if need be, I will be 24 hours away from home by plane. The distance from home factor is probably my biggest fear, knowing that I wont be able to see my family for over two weeks.

However, with all these fears in mind, I am excited to undertake and overcome them with George (Baldini) and Coach Jay (Shaun Jayachandran).

6 Responses to As India Approaches

  1. jeff metzgar says:

    Jon, great blog! When you are young, the world seems to be a pretty big place. As you get older and get out to discover the world, you learn that the world becomes “smaller as you connect with the 6.5 billion+ people on God’s Earth!. You are going to a place where most of the world – including your parents and older (and younger) siblings have not visited. You are a trailblazer! Enjoy the experience as you watch the world get “smaller”. I pray for a safe, healthy, happy, memorable trip for all of you! It is an honor for only 2 Dexter student athletes/leaders to be chosen! Embace the experience. Make an impact on the world! Love, Dad Mom and family.

  2. Liz Metzgar says:

    Jon- We, as a family, are so excited for you and proud of you for doing something so wonderful for kids who are not as fortunate as you. You will find that your nervousness disappears very quickly once you get on the plane and then land in Chennai! You will totally love this experience and all that it has to offer and will come home with so much to share with your siblings, Dad and I – we can’t wait to hear about everything!! And enjoy the food – it is delicious!! Good luck – we are with you in spirit, always!! Mom xo

  3. Marilyn Tracey says:

    When you read my reply you will be either winging your way to India or arriving there, Jon; in either event please know we are thinking of you and if it is at all possible hoping our love and thoughts for you are helping you overcome your feelings of separation from your family and familiar places known as “home”. In any event, we are extremely proud of you for taking this big “jump” and know you will be even stronger for doing it. Have fun, learn and help the kids learn “American Basketball” a la Dexter. We love you and look forward to reading your blog and hearing about your adventures when you return. xoxoxox Grandma and Grandpa Tracey

    • Melvin Tracey says:

      Hey Jon: Grandma and I just wanted to add a couple of thoughts to our previous reply to your blog. We wanted you to know that we found it very mature, thoughtful and sensitive. It really reflects the kind of fine young man you are rapidly growing up to be, and we are very proud of y0u and proud to be your grandparents. Your emotions thoughts and apprehensions about the whole trip are nothing to be apologetic about. I can appreciate them because I wasn’t much older than you when I enlisted in the army, and looking back on it, experienced many of the same feelings then. I’m sure that as you get into the swing of things over there you will find those concerns, if not going away, at least fading into the background.

      I guess everybody was so concerned that you would be aware of those many things about which you expressed concern, that we all forgot to let you know that there is a whole other face of India and its societies —- we hope you will get to see it all. As we are writing this, it is almost 12:00 noon on Sunday here — which if we have the time difference right, means it’s about 9:00 Sunday night there, so you’ve already experienced your first day plus in India. We’re sure that you’ve already begun to see that face of it. Again, keep an open mind to everything and everybody and make the most of this wonderful, remarkable experience. We’ll be thinking of you constantly — and of course, loving you all the time.

      Grandpa and Grandpa Tracey
      l every

  4. Josh Tracey says:

    We are so proud of you — for having been selected to participate in this wonderful opportunity and for allowing yourself to experience something so new, so different and and undoubtedly challenging. Enjoy it all and stay safe. We look forward to hearing all about your experience and learning about India through your eyes.
    Uncle Josh

  5. Deb Nye says:

    Jon, Not much to add to all the previous wisdom, just enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, and soak in one of my favorite cultures! I know the two weeks will just zip by. Remember to go for the tandoori chicken, the naan (bread) and yummy samosas! Sending love, Aunt Deb and Uncle Tom

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